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Sell Globally. Speak Locally

Enter Cross-Border Market and Welcome International Customers to Your Online Store With X-Cart Shopping Solution

Sell Globally. Speak Locally.

Have a look at the evolving eCommerce landscape. Online shopping surge is going global, encouraging online business owners to advertise internationally in order to meet growing customer demands. As a result, local businesses of all sizes grow globally at a rapid-fire pace bringing even more customers around the world online.

You Have to Build a Perfect International eCommerce Strategy to Compete

You Have to Build a Perfect International eCommerce Strategy to Compete

Expanding business internationally is all but impossible without a well-thought-out plan and the right resources. You have to build a perfect international eCommerce strategy, with all its components working in line with each other, to harness the power of international expansion.

X-Cart eCommerce software has got all the necessary resources to help you launch a product in the international market — ultimately scalable back-end, worldwide reach, and first-hand experience.

X-Cart eCommerce software has got all the necessary resources to help you launch a product in the international market — ultimately scalable back-end, worldwide reach, and first-hand experience.

X-Cart Businesses Gobble Up The Global eCommerce Market

Join the leaders of international eCommerce with orders pouring in from 155 countries, including Fiji and Bermuda islands, and customer service team speaking in 17 languages.

World map

Pretty Much Everything You Need To Attract Global eCommerce Sales

eCommerce has changed the global market. People are no longer satisfied with local brick-and-mortar shops. They are craving for more. So, let them dive into cross-border shopping with X-Cart eCommerce platform. It has a full package of options to help you do that. Tap into international markets, reach buyers from all over the globe, and keep delivering localized buying experience.

40+languages are supported in X-Cart

Speak Your Customer’s Language

Translate your storefront and product pages into 40+ languages, including those with complex multi-byte character sets, like Japanese, or written right-to-left, like Arabic.

120+ payment methods are supported in X-Cart

Accept Payments in Any Currency

120+ payment integrations with global payment providers like PayPal, Skrill, and Authorize.net will allow you to perform cross-currency transactions and offer payment methods that your customers prefer. All without any transaction fees or hidden charges.

Automate International Sales With Multi-Channel Options

Automate International Sales With Multi-Channel Options

Tap the power of X-Cart app ecosystem packed with CRM, ERP, and multi-channel options that can automate order fulfillment, sync inventory, and price changes in real-time.

Affordable International Shipping Options

Affordable International Shipping Options

Give your customers the most accurate international shipping quotes available with real-time shipping rates from UPS, FedEx, DHL, USPS, Canada Post, and others. Seamlessly connect carriers, warehouses, and 3PL partners.

Flexible Tax and VAT Configuration System

Flexible Tax and VAT Configuration System

Take your eCommerce business global. Easily configure domestic and international taxes for your local and cross-border customers. Set up sales tax for the US, VAT for Europe, PST/GST/HST for Canada and Australia.

High-Volume Scalability

High-Volume Scalability

Provide shoppers with lightning-quick access to your store’s content and survive massive traffic spikes with the help of our geographically distributed group of servers (CDNs).

Want to See Your Store in Action?

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    Our team will follow up shortly, either by email or phone, to schedule the date and time for the X-Cart demo.

    Case Image

    Meanwhile, discover how X-Cart helped FS Parts overcome complex data and fitment challenges.

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