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Infinite Scroll, AmazonCDN, New Graphic Prototypes, and Other New Modules for X-Cart 4

Maria Navolykina
Maria Navolykina Author

X-Carters, merchants and developers, nice to see you in our blog again! Let me please introduce several new modules of our. Some of them are already known to you as they used to be listed among extras, the others are brand new, and each of them is excellent.

Infinite Scroll

If you’re an active user of facebook or twitter (and who is not?), you might have already thought that it’s high time we added ajax scrolling instead of that boring and slow standard pagination. And we added!

facebook-wall-like product list view will allow your customers to scroll, and scroll, and scroll the page down!
– The number of products in horizontal row will become adaptive, and 3 columns style will expand to 4, 5 or more – as many as the width of your widescreen monitor allows.

Learn more


About a month ago this module was already listed as ‘coming soon’, and I’m excited to announce its release now.

Upload your images (product, manufacturer, category) as well as your e-goods to reliable, flexible and scalable Amazon data storage infrastructure.

if you want to speed your site up, Amazon-CDN is a must-have.

Don’t Miss Out!

‘Don’t miss out’ will give the customer a hint that someone else is going to purchase the product he is currently viewing, thus stimulate him to hurry up with the purchase. You need this module if you sell unique goods or vice versa the goods which are very and very popular.

Don’t miss out

Don’t miss this module out!

Hidden Categories

Together with ‘Don’t miss out!”, this module has grown from extras. “Hidden categories” is actually more than just hidden categories. It’s a handy tool to manage the hidden products or even create a special (available by direct link) product list which will display ‘hidden but available for sale” products.

Hidden Categories

Find out more details on the module page.

Refine Filters

No, we have not released it. The module has already been available since January, 29, 2013. But thanks to our community members who shared their suggestions and thus helped us to improve the ‘Refine Filters’, we revised this great module making it even more powerful:

– 3 special filters added (weight, on sale, new arrivals)
– Import facility for filter-related values
– Price filter has now 2 possible views: slider and ranges
– and, tadaaam, now available for v4.4!

Refine Filters

Already want it? Grab your module here!

Meet stylish ‘Watch world’,dynamic ‘Sport life’,glamorous ‘My best dress’ and laconic ‘Apple shop’! This is exactly the case when seeing is believing. So I will not praise our new Graphic prototypes here, just see and believe, the screenshots below:

2 New Modules From Our Partners

Thanks to our great community, X-Cart functionality is being expanded not only by means of our own modules but also due to great modules of our partners. Let me please introduce a couple of them.

X-Cart reBoot Responsive Template v4.5.x by Phil Jones (from ‘XCartMods.co.uk’).
The skin performs well on mobiles, tablets and desktops, compatible with Gold, Gold Plus and Platinum v.4.5.x, tested with IE 8/9/10, Firefox, Chrome, Opera, Safari.
Want more details? Click here! xAccess by The xCart Store (‘www.thexcartstore.com’).
The module provides the complete Access Contol over all your X-Cart administrator accounts. With xAccess your internal staff and 3rd part developers can only access those admin area sections which you want them to.
“Who, When, Where and What features are accessed… ” – when these 4 options are combined, your X-Cart admin area is 100% secure both inside and out.
For more information click here.

Even more X-ceptional modules here

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Maria Navolykina
Maria Navolykina Marketing Manager

Maria is a marketing manager at X-Cart. Once captured by digital and content marketing in her student days, she keeps living and breathing it ever since.

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