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Helen Golubeva
Helen Golubeva

Helen is an SEO and Content Marketing Specialist. She has been creating and planning content for over 10 years, with 5+ years specializing in eCommerce.

Posts by Helen Golubeva

The Ultimate Guide to Multi-Channel eCommerce Inventory Management

This blog post was originally contributed by Jillian Huffed, a Marketing Analyst at nChannel. Today’s shoppers easily bounce back and forth between online and offline channels. To keep up, merchants must extend their presence across multiple channels and create consistent experiences. The problem is that multi-channel marketing and selling is difficult, especially when it comes […]

How to Use Google AdWords to Create Real, Lasting Revenue For Your eCommerce Store

This blog post was originally contributed by Rory Witt, a Digital Strategist and PPC Consultant at DigiMar. Successful eCommerce stores require more than just an easy-to-navigate layout and quality product offerings. Even the best-designed online store in the world won’t help you generate a profit if you aren’t able to consistently attract new customers to your eCommerce […]

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    Meanwhile, discover how X-Cart helped FS Parts overcome complex data and fitment challenges.

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