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Avalara powers Sales Tax Automation for Online Merchants running X-Cart 5 and X-Cart 4!

Sales tax in the U.S. is complex and always changing. With more than 11,000 taxing jurisdictions and hundreds of thousands of different product taxability rules, online retailers struggle to keep up and stay compliant. And while the merchants running online stores powered by X-Cart 4 already had access to a perfect solution of this problem, for X-Cart 5 customers, all of that ends today!

Security patches for vv.4.0.x-4.7.x and the release of X-Cart 4.7.2

Since the previous release, we had little time to implement new features: while the X-Cart 4 Management was defining the roadmap and selecting what features to include into the nearest update, the architects were fixing the bugs from the issue tracker - this is what they're doing regularly. But detecting a security vulnerability changed the plans and we took decision to release a new version with all the ready fixes aboard, with the primary reason being to provide a secure version to you.

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    Meanwhile, discover how X-Cart helped FS Parts overcome complex data and fitment challenges.

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