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X-Cart 4.7.4: Tax system, AOM, Search and Product options improvements

Anastasia Zhavoronkova
Anastasia Zhavoronkova Author

4.7.4 version has been released. Many changes have been done in response to your ideas and feedback collected during X-Cart Meetups. So, let’s see what improvements and features the new version is coming with.

Tax system changes

Several new options have been added to the tax system functionality as frequently requested:

  • Gift wrap and Payment surcharge options have been added to the tax formula constructor, which allows you to apply taxes to gift wraps and payment surcharges according to the scheme you choose.
  • Do not display zero tax in cart/order totals option has been added to the tax editing page.
  • Do not add taxes only if a EU customer from a different EU country provides a valid Tax Number option allows not to charge tax only if a customer provides a valid EU Tax number that belongs to an EU country different from the country of the store.

AOM improvements

Even after major AOM revision we keep an eye on its correspondence with your requirements. So, there have been a couple of changes to it, too.

  • when creating or editing an order in the admin a merchant can now check the catalog price calculated according to the membership level the selected customer belongs to, as well as to price affecting product options and wholesale quantity.
  • comments to edited orders are not only saved in the orders’ history but can also be sent to customers right after the order is edited.

Search faster and easier

The stores with many extra fields will notice an improvement in the product search speed due to the code optimization we performed.

Orders and users search has been improved both on speed and manner, search can be done by full e-mail address or only by a few first characters.

Product search used by a store admin for Featured products, Related products Feature Comparison, AOM, coupons and special offer features has become more convenient to use (thanks to Eliana Boratto for the idea!):

  • the dialog box has got an opportunity to sort products by SKU and name.
  • product search can be done through an AJAX auto-complete field by SKU (just first characters of product code need to be specified) with ability to add several products at a time.

Product options

Product options functionality has been expanded to make the settings process more flexible and convenient. We’ve added:

  • Ability to export google shopping fields (like UPC) for variants
  • Extra fields support for variants.
  • Dependent options feature based on “Product option exceptions”


  • Alipay Payments System integration.
  • Built-in updated X-Payments connector supporting all features of the recently released X-Payments v.2.2
  • ‘Reward customer with discount coupon for review’ feature has been added to the Advanced Customer Reviews module.
  • Net weight field has been added to the products management page (thanks to Willian Quinn for the idea!)
  • Social Sharing API V3 is available in Social login module.
  • Ability to block order processing if risk score exceeds threshold in Antifraud module.
  • Product thumbnails generation via import file: thumbnails can now be generated from existing product images.
  • Proper Open/Facebook Graph tags are used for category/manufacturer page to share correct category/manufacturer title/image in Facebook.

Your feedback is always welcome

Anastasia Zhavoronkova
Anastasia Zhavoronkova Lead Marketing Coordinator at Seller Labs and X-Cart

Anastasia has over 8 years of experience in the eCommerce industry. Having been a Customer Care agent in the past, she knows exactly what eCommerce merchants' needs are, and uses her knowledge in Marketing to bring value to the community by sharing her thoughts on relevant topics.

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