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X-Cart eCommerce Blog

It’s a perfect place to discover tips on how to launch your online business and sell online virtually everything. From time to time, you’ll get updates on the shopping cart we develop with so much love.

13 Simple Tips to Improve Your Website [Tried & Tested Ones Only]

Where does your website stand? Have you absolutely nailed your web design and found your magic formula of how to increase web presence or are you still struggling to attract the number of visitors and potential customers you thought you will get easily? No need to go through what every expert said on how to improve a website – we have done all that for you and we have compiled a handy list of how to drive people to your website!

Ultimate Guide to Word of Mouth Marketing in 2020 [+Tips]

Did you know that online shoppers are at least 70 percent more likely to make purchases based on social media referrals or recommendations?  These actions are more commonly known as word of mouth (WOM) referrals, and they are highly sought-after by entrepreneurs starting an online store as well as by established eCommerce players. With the […]

Dropshipping Suppliers: Free List Of 150+ Dropshippers

I’ve collected a full list of the best dropshipping suppliers and I bet you’ll find the one that is right for your eCommerce business. But before you see all the categories let’s find out what dropshipping is. Dropshipping works this way: stores partner with suppliers and sell the products they provide. Online store owners don’t […]

How Much Does Website Development Cost in 2020?

This blog post was originally contributed by Gary Stevens, a blogger at Hosting Canada. Website development costs are some of the largest investments that new eCommerce retailers face. But how much, exactly, does website development cost in 2020? Well, unfortunately, naming an exact figure is difficult. The cost of a new (or improved) website will […]

19 Tips to Beat eCommerce Fraud and Protect Your Site From Scammers

Accepting online payments, you may find out that your store is the place where the thief is trying to use the stolen card. It costs you money. Because the fraud losses are distributed across all merchants, we don't hear too much about them. But the truth is that the online merchants are losing way more than customers and banks together! So you should roll up the sleeves and protect your business from these expenses.

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    Meanwhile, discover how X-Cart helped FS Parts overcome complex data and fitment challenges.

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